Put a medium wash of Mauve/Black around the main design. Have it a little heavier right behind the leaves, then taper it off to a soft wash around the sides and bottom of the china. Leave the center of the piece blank. You might think this area will be glaring without any color on it, but as you work, you will find that it tones down and blends into the background. I like to leave some air in my paintings. The only exception is to portraits which usually have a more solid background.

Add a little more Black to the Mauve/Black and paint in the dark shadow leaf. Wipe out the stems, then go back and paint them with Chocolate Brown but don't make then too heavy. Add a bit of Rich Brown to the Mauve/Black on the brush and paint in the dark side of the main stems.

Without cleaning your brush, add a bit more Rich Brown and go into the Rose Leaf Green to paint the darkest shadows on the underneath leaf on the right side of the design (this is as you look at it) Clean the brush and add touches of Mauve/Black to the ends of this leaf and add a touch of Rose Leaf Green to the mix and wash it over the turn-back of this leaf. Use a little Rich Brown in the darker shadows of the leaf on the left side of the design. Add Mauve/Rose Leaf Green on the edges and a bit of Mauve/Black on the shadow under the turn-back. You will not retain as many highlights on these two leaves as on the others since they are in shadows.

Use Rich Brown and Chocolate Brown to shade the top yellow leaf. A little of the Mauve/Black mixture can be added to the Rich Brown for a few shadows but not many. Be sure to keep your highlights on the yellow leaves. Also make sure the shadows from the turn-backs are correct. A hint to remember when making turn-backs :The size of the turn back should equate the correct size of the leaf if it is straightened out. Don't make the turn-back larger than it would be if flat.

Paint in the yellow grapes with a mix of Yellow Brown and Chocolate Brown. Wipe out both the strong and soft highlights being sure to leave a shape highlight where the light strikes the grape. This applies to all of the grapes. On the redder grapes, mix a bit more Black with the Mauve/Black and paint in the grapes that are the farthest back. Wipe out the lights, then using just Mauve/Black, paint in the middle grapes. After wiping out the highlights and reflected lights, paint the lighter grapes with either Mauve added to the Mauve/Black mix or Mauve/Rose Leaf Green, depending on which you prefer. The Mauve/Black will give more depth and the Mauve/Rose Leaf Green will not push the fruit as far back. Both mixtures will grey the color, but in different amounts. Wipe out the lights. Check to be sure you have kept the shape of the grapes. Use Blue Violet mixed with the Mauve/Black for the seven bluer grapes. Vary the amount of the mix depending on the depth of the grape in the cluster. Wipe the lights, then paint the lighter two grapes with Blue Violet mixed with Mauve/Rose Leaf Green . Again, wipe out the lights.

Mix Yellow Brown and Chocolate Brown for the shadows on the lightest leaf on the left side. Shade the leaf on the right with Mauve/Black on the edges, then without cleaning the brush, go into the Rich Brown and make the darker shadows on the leaf. Add a few touches of Chocolate Brown, Baby Blue, Blue Violet and Mauve to the weird leaf. If you need to strengthen the thin stems, use the corresponding color and wipe through them again to keep them indistinct.

Fire 014 or 015.




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