Eagle with Mountains
by Tami Durbin


  • Warm Gray
  • Transparency
  • Yellow Orange
  • Pecan (Yellow Brown)
  • Hair Brown
  • Dark Brown
  • Copenhagen Blue
  • Black
  • Red Grape
  • Black Grape
  • Dark Shading Green
  • Black Green
First Fire

Paint the pupil Warm Gray and the feathers around the outside of the eye Warm Gray. Paint the iris Transparency. Wipe out the highlight on the pupil and in the lower right area of the iris.

Paint the beak Yellow Orange. Wipe out the highlights. Paint the feathers around the beak Warm Gray.
Paint the feet Yellow Orange. Wipe out the highlights on the feet. Paint the Talons Black grape. Wipe out highlights on the talons.
White Feathers:
Paint in the white feathers using Warm Gray. Wipe out the highlights. Body Feathers:
Paint the dark body feathers using Hair Brown. Wipe them out with the tip of your brush.
Paint in the mountains using a cool gray like Copenhagen mixed with a Warm Gray. This will keep the tone more neutral. Wipe out the snow capped edges.
Use Copenhagen (cool gray) plus Dark Blue. Make the sky darker blue at the top and lighter blue towards the mountains. Fire .017
Grass Area:
Paint in with a mixture of Dark Shading Green and Black Green. Mixing these colors with just a touch of Warm Gray to neutralize their tones. Wipe out grass shapes.
Wipe out from the feathers saving some highlights.

Second Fire

Paint the pupil Black using just a touch of Dark Brown mixed in the black. Wipe out the highlight. Paint the iris Pecan (Yellow Brown ) towards the pupil and the outside. Wipe out the highlight at the lower right. Paint around the outside of the iris using Red Grape.
Paint the beak Pecan (Yellow Brown). Wipe out highlights. Reinforce the Warm Gray color on the feathers around the beak. Paint the mouth area Red Grape and Black Grape. Wipe out highlights. Inside the nostril is Red grape.
Paint the shadows in with Pecan (Yellow Brown). Reinforce the talons with Black Grape. Wipe out the highlights.
Body Feathers:
Paint the shadow areas using Dark Brown. Wipe out highlights.
Reinforce the color at the top using Dark Blue.
Add a touch of the green colors mixed with Warm Gray down near the grass area.
Grass area:
Reinforce the dark color wiping out highlights. Fire .017

Third Fire

Reinforce the Black on the pupil if needed. Wipe out highlights. If needed reinforce the pecan on the iris. Paint over the Red Grape area using Black Grape. Reinforce dark areas of the feathers using Hair brown. Can add a touch of Dark brown if needed.
If needed reinforce the yellow colors. Reinforce the Black grape and the Red Grape inside the mouth area. Wipe out highlights. Use Black Grape inside the shadow area of the nostril. Shade under the beak with Red grape and also with Copenhagen (cool gray).
Paint in the shadow area using Hair Brown. Wipe out highlights. If needed, reinforce the talons with Black Grape.
Body Feathers:
If needed, reinforce any dark shadows using Dark Brown.
White feathers:
Light washes of Transparency and Copenhagen distributed. This will help in color unity.
If needed, reinforce the Dark Blue at the top.
The mountains should be OK. They need to be kept light. Fire .018

Thank you to Marci Blattenberger for allowing me to use her eagle photo. Hope you enjoy painting this eagle.

Tami Durbin