TEE PEES by Joan Shaddy


This project is fun because you are using your own imagination and personality.
The colors you choose can be your favorites.


I have chosen to use the following colors:


Creme (light yellow)

Cool Shadow

Carnation (yellow red)

Bright Blue

Red Violet of Iron


Red Rich Brown

Spearmint (grey green)

Dark Brown


OPEN MEDIUM - Fire 014


I chose an 8' x 12' coupe platter, VERY PLAIN. This will work best without any embossing or other fancy edges. Also a large pillow vase can be used and you can 'wrap around' the scene.

Begin with the sky and work down. Using about a I' brush, apply CREME first for the light areas. Carry this light on down into the right side where the two smaller tee pees and the stream are. Very smoothly. TIP- I find it easier to use a different brush for each color when doing this method.

Now pick up PURPLE and softly paint in the darker clouds and the dark portion of the hills..(keep your horizon just below the center and straight.)

Pick up CARNATION and smoothly work in the clouds and brighter portions of the hills. Work on down into the foreground, and apply color as shown in color study.

Using SPEARMINT paint in the green areas softly and smoothly. (paint right through the tee pee area if you have traced, they will be wiped out later. )

In the lower left and right comers apply COOL SHADOW, being sure to leave the outlet of the stream open and light. Blend the CARNATION and SPEARMINT carefully so you don't get 'mud'.

With a CLEAN brush, wipe out the outer edges of the tee pees, leaving the already applied colors in the main part. This will establish the form. Do not leave any paint build-up.

Now using the colors already INSIDE the tee pees, softly blend., wipe out highlight.

Turn the platter upside down and wipe out the trees. These will be your own imagination as this is done freehand. Soften any paint build-up on edges. Using RED RICH BROWN paint in the shadow side. With COOL SHADOW paint light side, blending softly down the middle.

Using RED RICH BROWN establish the grasses around the stream and around the tee pee on the left side of the platter. Do not make these too dark. With end of brush indicate 'seed pods" on the grasses.

Wipe out highlights on the hills and sky where you think they ought to be. Be sure the stream has some nice highlights as the "sun" is coming into the stream through the "cut" in the hills. Also with a small wipe-out tool, you may want to wipe out some of the grasses in the foreground.

Carefully wipe 'thumb rim' around platter. FIRE O14


With PURPLE re-establish the shadows on the hills. (if your color has fired out, use CARNATION and CREME again).

Working down and using RED RICH BROWN, deepen the shadows around large tee pee and in front of the two smaller ones. If necessary, deepen shadow side of trees with RED RICH BROWN and a 'tad' of DARK BROWN. Also re-establish shadow side of twigs, brush, and grasses. Under the grass use DARK BROWN to indicate the bank of the stream.

The lower left comer of the platter needs to be dark. Under the tree and the right hand lower comer also needs to be dark. The stream should be light and not quite in the middle of the platter.

Since CREME is such a delicate color, it may be necessary to repaint light parts of tee pees    ... re-establish highlights if necessary ....

sign your work...

FIRE 014


Joan Shaddy 1998


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