Running a Successful Convention or Show...Part 2


by Alice Wofford

NOTE from Marci: I think we can all agree that the more people we can attract to our porcelain art shows, the better it is for everyone: the teachers and dealers who sometimes travel great distances to attend the shows, the committee members and the other volunteers from the clubs who work their tails off to make it successful, the painters who attend the show and come away with bags of supplies, heads full of new ideas and spirits bursting with excitement..... and the general public who might find just the right piece for their mantle place or who might even be enticed to join our ranks....

At any rate, PUBLICITY plays one of the most important roles in any show: "If they know about it, they will come!.... (grin)

In this follow up article to her excellent "How to have a Successful Convention", Alice Wofford covers the tried and true methods of publicising shows...and adds a bunch that you may not have thought of...So , Alice, TAKE IT AWAY:


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